Prairie False Dandelion Flower

Prairie False Dandelion Flower

Big Pond – Full

Spiderwort Patch – Stormy Day

Spiderwort Cluster

Small Pond – Full

Grandmother Cottonwood from the Run

A Young Vine Leaf

Marsh Grass Just Heading

Broken Swoop Trunk

Coming Out into the Clearing

Fungus Cluster on a Down Log

Little Game Trail through an Unused Gate

Early June Haymaker

Up a Gap in the Understory

The Well

The Well CU

Heavy Dew of a Morning

At the Seep – Verdant Morn

At the Seep – Verdant Morn CU

At the Seep – Verdant Morn MS

Up into the Clearing

Downstream along the Seep Run

Chest Deep in Wet Grass

Deer Bed in Deep Wet Grass

Wild Grape Tendril

Flowering Grass Head

Orange Beetle on Flowering Grass Head

Broadleaf Head Unfolding

Deer Foreleg – Coyote Chewed

Brown Thrasher Nest in a Thorny Locust

Tiny Bee on a Purple Poppy Mallow Flower

Clearing the Path with the John Deere

Prairie Rose Solo

In a Steady Driving Rain

Sumac in the Rain

The Seasonal Wet Spot after a Rain

The Seasonal Wet Spot after a Rain CU

Swoop Tree on a Rainy Day

The Big Wheel

Hemlock Flowers

Sun Breaking Through at the Swoop Tree

Transmission Line Corner Pole

Tornado Warning

Female Snapper Lays Her Eggs

Right After the Big Storm at the Historical Marker

Mulberry Branch

Flowering Wild Rose Bush with Flowering Grass Heads

Prairie Dogbane Flowering

Evanescent Light Shaft through the Trees

Grove with Hemlock Foreground

Rose Bush

A Stand of Flowering Grass Heads Backlit

Dogwood Bush in Flower

Up a Black Walnut

In Sunlight and in Shadow

Orange Fungus

Little Mushroom on a Fallen Log

Purple Flowers – Blue Mustard

Spiral Vine on a Trunk

Where the Walking Trail Cuts Through the West Draw

False Dandelion Seed Head

Daisy Fleabane

Wild Rose Patch – Sunny Day

Log at the Edge of the Big Pond

Camille Corot

Sweet William

Between the Trees to the Small Pond

Tulip Tree Flowers CU

Tulip Tree Flowers and Leaves

Dogwood at Dusk

Summer Solstice Sunrise

The Seep CU

At the Seep WS

Cobweb on a Twig

Bird Box 32

Prairie Larkspur

Wind Whipped Grass at the Fenceline

Grandmother Cottonwood Dappled by the Solstice Sun

Cottonwood Root Tangle in the Big Draw

At the Grove of Five

Mushrooms Emerging on a Down Log